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"What kind of dog is that?"

We hear it all the time.

This is a Xolo, and here's why you'll love them.

A lot of hairless xolo breed dog (xoloitzcuintle, Mexican hairless dog), mom and puppies p

Why do we love Xolos?

The Xoloitzcuintli, Xolo for short, also known as Mexican hairless, is an awesome but not widely known, ancient dog breed that dates back over 3,500 years. We couldn't imagine life without our Xolos. They are gentle and patient with our kids, love to travel and meet new friends, and are the best snugglers! With distinct personalities, each Xolo in our house has a unique role in our family. 

Contact Us

We look forward to discussing Xoloitzcuintlis with you and will be in touch shortly.

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